

Dear Sir/Madam,

Happy New Year 2023! I hope you, your friends and families had a wonderful festive season and doing well.

As we all know this is the start of the New Year, this is also the time for membership renewal or becoming a member of the Africa Centre Ireland (ACI). Our membership runs from 1st January to 31st December yearly. This is a kind reminder to all our individual and group members to renew their membership. We encourage those who would wish to register as members to do so.

Please check our website for more details on how to renew or to become a member.

The year 2023 will be a different year for the ACI, as we will give more priority to our members. As a result of this move, we are recruiting members to either make payments or renew their membership fees, which is also a commitment to contribute more to the work of the organisation.

Here below are the benefits to become a member of the ACI; these benefits from this year 2023 moving forward will strictly be available to those who will have been registered with the ACI. However, many of you already benefited from ACI in the previous years individually as
a paid up members, volunteers or a member of the African diaspora community.

These benefits include but not limited to:

Representing ACI at meetings in Ireland and at EU levels,
Support in securing scholarships for degree and Masters programmes, References for job and citizenship applications,
Support in legal and health related matters,
Attendance to short trainings/courses
Group members were offered postal address and meeting rooms, etc. Attending international meetings/conferences and trainings,
Serve on the Board of ACI,
Participate in ACI working groups,
Partnering on project and activities,
Represent ACI on government and local authority working groups, Access to our social media platforms, etc.

By the 31st of January2023, membership benefits will begin to be applied and members will be given priority to access our services.

Your membership payments gives ACI, unrestricted funds to pay its bills, support its

activities, use as matching funds to raise more funding from donors, etc. These are some of the reasons we need your support to become a member in order to carry our role effectively, but also to serve you and your needs efficiently.

The membership of ACI are as follows: Asylum Seekers €0.00, unemployed €5.00, Employed €25.00, Organisations €50.00 and Corporate €150.00. However donations are also welcome, which can be paid through our website.

In case of any clarifications, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Email – or on Mobile Phone – (WhatsApp)+353858635057